Bookstore tourism

"I've always said that the goal of Bookstore Tourism is to support independent bookstores by promoting them as a group travel destination. "

"At first the Bookstore Tourism idea was merely for fun, but it gradually turned into a mission when I saw how many indie booksellers around the country were struggling to compete with large bookstore chains, online retailers, and more recently, the rise of the e-book.  I wanted to remind readers everywhere how important it is to support their local indies if they don't want them fading into oblivion."

"Some folks continue to do literary road trips here and there, but the Recession has certainly taken a toll.  I think Bookstore Tourism will rise again, though.  It offers nothing but benefits: to the bookselling and travel industries, to other local retailers, to sponsoring organizations, to campaigns for reading and literacy, and on and on.

Like I told a reporter once: "If they can load people onto a bus and take them to outlet malls for the day, why can't they do the same with indie bookstores?"

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