Beauty and the Book: Tiara wearing, Beauty and Book sharing

Beauty and the Book is doubtless a case study. I am overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the description so I will paste it here so you can be overwhelmed as well.

It is “the ONLY Hair Salon/Book Store in the WORLD!”

I started The Pulpwood Queens of East Texas Book Club in March, 2000 with six total strangers. That soon grew to over 150 members shortly after opening my Beauty and the Book, the ONLY Hair Salon/Book Store in the World! 
Thanks to ABC’s television program, Good Morning America, where we were featured kicking off their “READ THIS” Book Club with Diane Sawyer and Charlie Gipson, our book club exploded into literary promoting action. 
We now have chapters running all across the United States, from Alaska to Florida, to California, to New York, and almost everywhere in-between. We are NOT just a southern book club anymore and certainly not your mother’s book club. We have over 500 chapters nationwide with thousands of members, now gone INTERNATIONAL with members and chapters in 15 foreign countries!
We are also now  the largest “meeting and discussing” book club in the world whose members are “all on the same page” as we all read the books that I personally read and select each month. Go to our Book Selections page to read our full reading list.
Our motto is “Where tiaras are mandatory and reading good books is the RULE!”
Our sole mission is to promote, books, literacy, reading, and great authors, and to help undiscovered authors get discovered in a really big way!
 You can join individually and follow along online, join one of our already existing chapters, or we will crown you HEAD QUEEN of a NEW chapter which can be The Pulpwood Queens of whatever name you choose, say your city or local region.
When I started this book club, I threw out all of the rules! My book club was going to be fun, not homework. As I always say, “If it isn’t big time fun, then why do it!”.
Here is the deal. It is so easy. Do you love to read good books and have always dreamed of being a QUEEN? Well then, gather your girlfriends in a fun place, have an organizational meeting, and become a member of The Pulpwood Queens and Timber Guys Book Club!
Here is all you need to know on how to become a member:
Each member is to pay $50.00 for membership. You all must wear a tiara, as they are MANDATORY! You MUST read the book of the month, how simple is that!
As Head Queen, you will be my contact and act as moderator for the book club and will receive extra benefits for starting this venture. 
We have annual gatherings each year that will be Author, Book, Literary, and Reading Extravaganzas including:
Girlfriend Weekend, our Annual Pulpwood Queen and Timber Guy Convention that we host, always held the third weekend in January right here in historical Jefferson, Texas.
We sometimes do ROAD TRIPS to author events or book festivals and have even taken Literary Tours of France, Italy, and England with the Pulpwood Queens, a Pulpwood Queen Cruise and more book adventures in the works. 
Reading is a win, win, WIN situation and to me a book is the ultimate vacation from life. Books and reading to me are the highest form of entertainment as they educate and enlighten the reader and involve our own imaginations. Believe you me, with us working like crazy, running our households, car-pooling all our kiddos and granbabies, we need a much deserved and needed break! So grab a tiara and let’s get to READING BIG TIME!

Tiara wearing, Beauty and Book sharing.
Kathy L. Patrick
Hairdresser to the Authors!"

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