Status quo 2009

Here are some numbers referring to the situation of libraries in Italy in 2010, the overview - Rapporto sullo statuto dell'editoria in Italia 2010- was held by Associazione Italiana Editori - AIE- on data gathered in 2009.

The turnover for the editorial business concerning books in 2009 was 3,4 billions of Euro
The turnover for bookstores was 1,068 billions of Euro
The turnover for indie bookstores can be considered less than half than the total turnover.

The average turnover for an indie bookstore is 250.000 Euro with a gross profit margin of 30/35%, to be improved if the bookstores manages to add social and cultural services to the book sale activity. 

Indie bookstores are successful if they manage to build strong relationships with the spacial and social surroundings, becoming a meeting and socializing cultural place. 

Here is a list of the key factors for the success of (indie) bookstores:

_specialization degree
_consulting services
_cozy environment
_web inclusion  : web services and on line services
_cooperation with other bookstores and associations
_good location 
_catchy display
_good offer mix 

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