Now let's give to Caesar what is Caesar's:
wikipedia well done page
I am
working on bookstores because they are an incredibly valuable
cultural estate.
bookstores are independently owned, meaning that they are not owned
by major editors, meaning that they are the channel for minor editors
and authors. Minor authors not always are bad ones (as major authors
not always are bad ones) : sometimes they are at their first book,
sometimes they write inconvenient things, sometimes they write on
specialized topics... and they need careful or passionate editors to
be published and independent bookstores to be visible.
I aim
to preserve bookstores, eventually enriching them with a service
based project, as places where culture is cared for and as places
where people and ideas meet not just on-line.
will research on bookstores as well as on libraries, book societies,
associations, events, blogs and projects on books, to understand the
contemporary "book world" as much as possible.
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