Bad readers

The book market was eagerly waiting for Christmas to come, to be sure of the actual situation.
Now we know it: the situation is really bad.
Il Corriere della Sera is often publishing articles on the topic. This one is about Milanese historical bookstores. They chose to write about Milan because Milan represents 30% of the national book sales  turnover.
The vast Hoepli bookstore, owned by Hoepli editor, is reducing the show room, while La Libreria di Brera and Rovello bookstore (founded in 1893) closed. Utopia bookstores and La libreria del Mondo Offeso are moving to cheaper areas.
The article concludes as it follows:

"This is not just a crisis, but an epochal change. Light fiction, more or less erotic, superficial essays can be sold wherever, along with fuel and underwear. Books representing and spreading culture need much more. Killing their spaces, we seriously damage their soul and their spirit, or what is left of them. "

This last lines suggest that the journalist thinks that the problem is partly cultural: he refers to the difference between "high" and "low" books, to "high and low" culture readers. I will consider this possibility, thought it is a tricky and complex one.

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